Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Workout Pyramid

Last Friday we did this so called "workout pyramid" for fitness Friday. I have no idea if that's the actual name for it so don't quote me on that. It's a workout that consisted of squats, lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, shoulder press, burpees, and other workouts I currently cannot name. At the beginning of the workout it felt more like a warmup and didn't felt anything, YET. At the half time of the workout my legs starts to get sore and I've started sweating. By then I started to slow down and cheating/modifying some of the workouts to make them simpler #teamLazy. The following day my upper legs and lower back were so sore, but I kinda expected that already LOL. I honestly would've been more proud of myself if I hadnt modified any of the workouts and stayed consistent with my pace. Next time I will try to resist the urge of cheating/modifying the workouts. Honestly I've learned through this workout that the only person I'm cheating on is myself. Yeah that's right, I just got deep. Like 6 feet under deep. HEHE

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