So one afternoon my friends (Kathleen and Arianna) and I got bored so we decided to go for an Adventure ! Cause it sound more cool that way... Anyways, we ventured around the neighbourhood which led us to random bridges, forest and pathways. I've never really had the chance to just walk around the neighbourhood and familiarize myself ever since I moved so I was quite fascinated with every bridge I saw LOL. After this "adventure" it wasn't my legs that were sore it was my back because I had to carry my heavy textbooks and binders in my backpack!! Nonetheless, it was still worth the walk !!!!!! Picture would've been on point but Kathleen ruined it .... JOKES ! Her turquoise backpack adds color to the image lol. FunFact: this is my current lock screen!! Hehe
I love impromptu stuff. Did you know walking is the best way to increase your life? It won't get you jacked or strong for rugby, but the mild cardio (if done every day) is the best way to extend you life! :) I try to do a little of the low intensity with my family and the high intensity here at school or on my own.