So far, I am enjoying...
- The variety of fitness we have done thus far in the course!
- the activities we have played.
- The enthusiasm that ALMOST all of the students show every class.
- That Neuf joins our activities which then motivates the class just a little more xD
What I would like to be changed in the course...
- EVERYBODY actually participating and enjoying the games and activities we do (yes I know sometimes I get lazy too)
- Students posting more blogs (I actually enjoy reading others' blogs :)
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Everyday in this PE class I find myself learning something new wether it be about my body, sports, fitness or PE in general which is one of the things I look forward to when I go to class. With the few remaining months left of the semester I want to improve on my stamina and really pushing myself pass my limits. This is my interim report and I don't know how to end this soooooooooo. Uhm. Mom and dad if you read the entire thing , told you I'm not that FOB anymore LOL . KBYE HAVE A NICE DAY (smileyface)
Your energy and attitude are awesome and i can see your confidence growing. Keep bringing the other quieter girls with you so that you energy influence is increased and even more addictive. Most of our class is pos but waiting for a "leader"… so give em one.