Thursday, 21 May 2015


YO THIS ACTIVITY HAS SUCH A COMPLICATED SPELLING TO ITS NAME... I struggled finding out how to spell it, then I realized I should've just googled it. HEH. ANYWAYS. Today it was kind of a choice day but not really. We had a choice between indoor Soccer and tchoukball. I chose tchoukball of course because last time I played it I had so much fun !! We were grouped pretty quickly considering half of us wore dark colours half of us wore lighter colors, so that's how we divided ourselves. NO NEED FOR PINNIES! We followed the general rules for half of the time we were playing the game until we started to get bored of the rules and decided to allow  intercepting. Because in addition of the intercepting rule I started to feel competitive and really in to the game, but at the same time having fun. It was great to see my team and the other team high-5ing their teammates whenever they get a point or even if they missed the shot. Everyone got along so well and it was great to see that no one felt out and everyone had chance to have their hand on the ball and throw it! 

1 comment:

  1. Like the modification and the energy. At least your throwing arm isn't hurt like the rest of you. :)
